Here are some places on the internet which we think may be useful to Australians affected by or interested in Alpha-1 Antitrypsin Deficiency. Kindly note that these links are for informational or educational use only. Inclusion does not imply endorsement or approval by the Alpha-1 Association of any organisation listed.


Here are some places on the internet which we think may be useful to Australians affected by or interested in Alpha-1 Antitrypsin Deficiency. Kindly note that these links are for informational or educational use only. Inclusion does not imply endorsement or approval by the Alpha-1 Association of any organisation listed.

Asthma Australia is an association of all the Asthma Foundations throughout Australia. Website

New Zealand’s not-for-profit sector authority on all respiratory conditions including asthma, bronchiectasis, childhood bronchiolitis, childhood pneumonia, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), lung cancer and obstructive sleep apnoea. Website

ANZSRS was formed in 1980 to serve the professional needs of scientists and technologists employed in clinical respiratory function laboratories. Website

Australia’s peak health promotion body, AHPA is the only professional association in Australia specifically for people interested or involved in the practice, research and study of health promotion. Website

The recognised national voice for allied health professions in Australia, representing and advocating for the role of allied health professionals in the Australian health system. Website

The Alpha-1 Foundation is dedicated to providing the leadership and resources that will result in increased research, improved health, worldwide detection and a cure for Alpha-1. Website

A US-based registry enabling Alpha-1 affected people to contribute to the ongoing research efforts towards a cure for Alpha-1. Website

Peak professional body supporting and educating hepatology nurses and allied health professionals across Australia and New Zealand. Website

A comprehensive online manual about Alpha-1. Website

A Queensland-based community group for those who suffer with respiratory and other chronic health conditions, and their carers. Website

The Cardiac Society of Australia and New Zealand is the professional body for cardiologists and those working in the area of cardiology including researchers, scientists, cardiovascular nurses, allied health professionals and other healthcare workers. The Society is the chief advocacy group for the profession and aims to facilitate training, professional development and improve medical practice to enhance the quality of care for patients with cardiovascular disease. Website

The COPD Foundation was established to undertake initiatives that result in expanded services for COPD and to improve the lives of individuals affected by COPD. Website

The EARCO (European Alpha-1 Research Collaboration) registry is a non- interventional, multi-centre, international, prospective, repetitive, observational cohort study enrolling patients with AATD (as confirmed by serum level and genotyping). Website

Australia’s peak body for the disciplines of gastroenterology and hepatology. Website

The Heart and Lung Transplant Trust (Victoria) Inc. (HLTTV) is a not-for-profit association whose membership consists of heart and lung transplant patients, recipients, their carers and families. Formed in 1994, five years after The Alfred Hospital performed its first pioneering heart transplant, HLTTV is managed by a committee of dedicated volunteers who have each experienced the heart or lung transplant journey.Website

Established in response to the huge and ever-growing need for more research into diseases of the liver and bile duct. Secondly, because of the need to develop community education for those 6 million Australians already affected. Website

Assists the relief of people suffering from lung disease, and promotes better lung health. Website

Online catalog of human genes and genetic disorders. This link takes you directly to the Alpha-1 section of the site. Website

To support, assist and promote better health care and well-being for patients and their families living with a rare disorder in New Zealand. Website

Peak body and health promotion charity representing a range of professions (medical specialists, scientists, researchers, academics, nurses, physiotherapists, students and others) across various disciplines within the respiratory / sleep medicine field in Australia and New Zealand. Website

Australia’s leading source for trustworthy medical information written by health professionals based on Australian guidelines.